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Greenlee Internship Discovery Series


Wednesday, February 12 2025 to Wednesday, February 12 2025 from 10:00am to 2:00pm


178 Hamilton Hall


Not your typical career fair.

Think speed networking without the, well, speed.

Visit and network with area professionals and learn more about their organizations and discover various summer internship opportunities. This is strictly a networking event. No need to bring copies of your resumé or wear a stuffy tie or heels. We recommend wearing business casual and popping by in between classes. Who knows? Maybe you’ll find yourself having coffee with a potential employer discussing the latest advances in your industry.

Due to the Jan. 17 flooding in Hamilton Hall, we will host three “mini” internship discovery days throughout the spring semester. Each day will feature a handful of employers. Save the following dates: Feb. 12, March 6 and April 23.

When: Feb. 12, 2024, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Where: 178 Hamilton Hall

Who: Greenlee undergraduate students

Why: This opportunity is designed for students to talk to industry-specific employers (advertising, journalism and public relations). Each table will be applicable to the hands-on skills you learn each day in Hamilton Hall.

Employers Attending (as of 2/3/2025)