Tag: Kelly Winfrey


Winfrey reports recent media appearance, speaking engagement

Assistant Professor [Kelly Winfrey]() reports the following: April 26: Interview on IPR’s Talk of Iowa about the Ready to Run® Iowa campaign training program for women, which I organize through the Catt Center. April 29: Keynote speaker at the Iowa Association of University Women’s annual conference in Cedar Rapids. Presentation title: “The Power of Women … Continue reading Winfrey reports recent media appearance, speaking engagement

CATEGORIES: Uncategorized

Winfrey Provides Political Commentary on IPR’s ‘River to River’

Assistant Professor Kelly Winfrey is one of the state’s leading political commentators. If you want to hear her and others perspective about the second presidential debate, on IPR’s “River to River,” you can listen by clicking here. Winfrey also co-organized a debate watch in Friley Hall for the second presidential debate. Over 100 students attended. … Continue reading Winfrey Provides Political Commentary on IPR’s ‘River to River’

CATEGORIES: Uncategorized

Winfrey to Present at AEJMC Conference

Assistant Professor Kelly Winfrey will be a presenter on research panel titled “All Politics Is Social? The Evolution of Social Media Use in Presidential Campaigns” at AEJMC Conference. She also was an invited speaker at the Wealthy & Wise: Strategies for Workplace Success workshop on April 22.