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Kim reports recent publication, paper acceptances

Assistant Professor Su Jung Kim reports the following:


+ Her co-authored paper, “The dynamic inter-relationship between customer engagement and disengagement behaviors with mobile apps and marketplace behaviors,” has been published in *Service Science*.
+ Her first-authored manuscripts, “A longitudinal analysis of media substitution between personal computers (PCs) and mobile phones using Nielsen’s PC-Mobile 2-Screen panel data ” and “Differences in characteristics and perception of sponsored vs. organic reviews” have been accepted for presentation at this year’s ICA conference.
+ Her first-authored paper, “This reviewer received free product in exchange for his/her honest opinions: How sponsored reviews differ from organic reviews,” has also been accepted for presentation at the Global Conference of the American Academy of Advertising.


+ Lijing Gao, who earned a Master’s degree from Greenlee and is now a Ph.D. student in Sociology, gave a guest lecture in Su Jung’s Strategic Planning class.


+ She reviewed a manuscript for *Journal of Marketing Management*.
+ Ad Club hosted a fund-raising event for its spring trip to Chicago.