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Wald reports recent research, publications, grants

Assistant Professor [Dara Wald]() reports the following:

+ Her first-authored paper exploring source credibility and public support for elite influence on climate change policy-making was accepted for the 2017 International Communication Association Pre-Conference: Strategic Environmental Communication and Exploration of Research in Crisis, Risk and Disaster.

+ Wald was awarded two internal grants to support student research next year: The LAS Seed Grant for Social Science and the LAS Small Grant. The LAS Seed Grant will support a new research collaboration with Dr. Haldre Rogers (EEOB) and provide funding for Wald and Greenlee student Kimberly Nelson to travel to the Mariana Islands to conduct focus groups with residents on Guam and Siapan.

+ Wald is part of a Presidential Interdisciplinary Research Initiative proposal led by collaborators in the College of Veterinary Medicine (ISU) that successfully passed preliminary review.

+ Wald and Dr. Kathleen Hunt (AgEdS) developed a new syllabus for JLMC/AgEdS 300X: Communicating Agriculture, Risk and the Environment in the Public Sphere. This course is designed to introduce students to complex issues pertaining to the communication of agriculture, risk and the environment, as well as practice the skills necessary for effective public engagement.

+ Wald and collaborators from ASU were invited to present a paper on the relationship between empathy and successful environmental collaboration at the American Society of Public Administration.