Daniela Dimitrova

Daniela Dimitrova

  • University Professor




117 Hamilton
613 Wallace Rd.
Ames IA


Daniela V. Dimitrova (Ph.D., University of Florida) is a University Professor at Iowa State University and LAS Dean’s Professor in the Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication. She is the Editor-in-Chief of Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, the flagship journal of AEJMC. Her research interests include political communication, cross-cultural journalism studies and refugee communications. Dimitrova’s research has been published widely in leading journals such as Communication ResearchJournalism & Mass Communication QuarterlyNew Media & SocietyPress/ PoliticsInternational Communication GazetteJournalism Studies, and the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication and cited close to 6,000 times. Dimitrova has published an edited volume titled Global Journalism: Understanding World Media Systems. She is the recipient of multiple grants and awards, including Fulbright-University of Vienna Professor of Social Sciences, AEJMC Senior Scholar, Arthur W. Page Center for Integrity in Public Communication Legacy Scholar, and LAS International Service and Excellence in Graduate Mentoring awards.

Topics of interest

International Communicationjournalism studiesnew media, political communication


PhD, Mass Communication, University of Florida, 2003

MA, Journalism & Communications, University of Oregon, 1999

BA, Journalism & Mass Communications and Political Science & International Relations, American University in Bulgaria, 1997, Cum Laude