By Claire Corbin, sophomore in public relations
I think we all can agree our culture is experiencing an incredible amount of shock. 2020 stunned us with immense adversity.

TREND Issue 29 focuses on the power our generation has to cultivate change. The overall theme is called “Culture Shock,” and it is available now.
“This issue will find out how to make beauty out of the ugly… Though it may be easier to just sweep everything under the rug and forget about it, why would we want to?” said editor-in-chief Meghan Shouse in the issue’s release guide.
TREND is an Iowa State University student magazine focused on fashion, beauty, body and lifestyle. While TREND is advised in the Department of Apparel, Events, and Hospitality Management, all students are welcome and many Greenlee School students hone their skills by working on the publication. Since 2006, TREND has published one print issue a semester. This completely student-run publication allows a plethora of creatives to collaborate, design and produce a magazine. More than 100 Iowa State students are part of TREND’s various committees including editorial, fashion, advertising, public relations, art and design and photography.
I’ve been part of TREND for 1 ½ years, and this is my second semester working as a photographer. Issue 29 is significant to me because it will resonate with you. It will resonate with your mom. It will resonate with your brothers and sisters. The theme is so relevant to the state of our world right now.
With this issue, I hope to make an impact on TREND’s readers. I hope to have been one hand that helped create work with which every individual can relate. I hope Issue 29 helps people feel less alone. I hope it gives people perspective and pushes them to stand for something beyond themselves and empathize with those who are different from them.
I can’t wait for you to see the final product. You can still find some copies around campus or view it online.
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Claire Corbin is a sophomore in public relations with a minor in entrepreneurship from Pella, Iowa. She’s currently a photographer for TREND. Her career goals include working in fashion public relations, doing freelance fashion photography and pursuing entrepreneurship.