Nominate Greenlee School alumni for Professional Achievement and Young Alumni Awards

CATEGORIES: Alumni, News
Nominate Star Alumni by Dec. 15, 2021


The Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication is accepting nominations for its Greenlee Professional Achievement Award and Greenlee Young Alumni Award. Nominations for both awards will be accepted now through Dec. 15, 2021.

The Greenlee Professional Achievement Award recognizes a Greenlee School graduate who has demonstrated leadership, impact and achievement in advertising, journalism and mass communication or public relations. This award serves as a “mid-career” recognition of excellence within their field. Nominate a Greenlee School alumnus/a for this award.

The Greenlee Young Alumni Award recognizes a Greenlee School graduate under 40 years of age or with fewer than 15 years of professional experience who has demonstrated excellence within their field. This award serves as an “early career” recognition of excellence in advertising, journalism and mass communication or public relations. Nominate a Greenlee School alumnus/a for this award.

Established in 2020 in collaboration with the Greenlee School Advisory Council, these awards complement the existing James W. Schwartz Award, the highest honor conferred by the Greenlee School. They also mirror university and college awards for similar achievements.

One Greenlee Professional Achievement Award and one Greenlee Young Alumni Award will be conferred annually. Current members of the Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication faculty/staff, advisory council and awards committee are ineligible to receive the awards.

The recipients will be honored at a spring honors and awards banquet.

Fill out an online form to nominate someone for the Greenlee Professional Achievement Award or the Greenlee Young Alumni Award.