Academic advising and mentoring

The first level of support is your academic advisor. Your academic advisor is there to help you make the most of your experience at Iowa State from the beginning.  Academic advisors help prospective students and their families learn about the program, help new students become oriented to the department and university, and support current students throughout their time in the program if they have questions, concerns, or seek help planning for the future. Your advisor can support you by connecting you with resources on campus and in the community and by helping you to develop decision-making, problem-solving, and self-advocacy skills.

Appointments with assigned academic advisors can be made online through Navigate. Students who need assistance should schedule their appointment in 101 Hamilton Hall or by phone at 515-294-4342.

Faculty mentoring

Your faculty mentor will help link your academic choices with your career aspirations, as well as guide you through the required 4990A internship. Your faculty mentor is available to you for professional advice, portfolio and project reviews, and to provide real-world career connections. You can find your faculty mentor and contact information in Navigate.

Advising syllabus

Advising is not a one-sided process. Students are just as much responsible for their academic advising as professional and faculty advisers. The Greenlee Advising Syllabus contains learning outcomes, resources and expectations, and it will guide you through the process of learning through advising. All students will be asked to meet the expectations outlined in the syllabus.

Course registration

All Greenlee School register for classes through Workday Student. All eligible students will be assigned a registration appointment, which is the first date and time a student may register for the applicable term. Please read the Using Workday Student section on the ISU Catalog page for more information or contact your advisor.


In addition to scholarships offered through the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the Greenlee School has a variety of scholarships and grants available to undergraduate and graduate students. The deadlines for each scholarship varies with the award. Take a look through our Scholarships and Grants page for more information on individual scholarships and links to other fellowship and grant opportunities.


First-year students at Greenlee will automatically become part of one of Greenlee’s learning community. Learning communities help you navigate the transition to college life at the Greenlee School. About 50 people will be in each group, making them among the smaller learning communities at Iowa State University. Those groups will be divided into two sections of the orientation class, JLMC 1100, which will help make a big campus feel more approachable. In addition to getting to know each other, learning about career possibilities and exploring your academic goals together, you’ll receive support from a peer mentor — an upper-level Greenlee major who may also be a student media or student organization leader.  Learn more about our learning community and peer mentors or explore other learning communities at Iowa State.

You can also get involved in other student media organizations and clubs affiliated with Greenlee, connect with other students developing innovative and entrepreneurial skills in the Start Something LAS Academy, or find other students with similar interests through any of Iowa State’s hundreds of student organizations.

group of students studying around a table

Connect and thrive

Iowa State is a big university with a close-knit, caring community that provides access to resources that support and enrich your learning, working, and living experience.

The university provides a comprehensive network of academic supporthealth and safety resources, and supportive communities.

Departmental newsletter

“Good News from Greenlee” is the Greenlee School’s departmental newsletter. It contains news and announcements about the Greenlee School ands its faculty, staff, students and events. If you’d like to receive this newsletter, sign up using the form below.