Category: Events


When Objectivity Stops – Will Fowler

During last summer’s Black Lives Matter protests in Washington, D.C., journalist and Ames native Will Fowler headed to the streets. At first intending to observe the demonstrations as a reporter, he quickly became involved with the movement directly. Can a reporter become so entangled in a story that remaining objective becomes impossible? Join this First … Continue reading When Objectivity Stops – Will Fowler

April 15, 2021, 2:10-3:00pm | virtual event via Webex

The First Amendment and the Civil Rights Movement: Our History, Our Present, Our Future

The era of the civil rights movement is as relevant today as when it was unfolding. Join two leading experts in the First Amendment and the Civil Rights movement as they discuss the immense potential and actual power of our First Amendment freedoms to fuel positive change in society. Robert Bickel, professor emeritus of law … Continue reading The First Amendment and the Civil Rights Movement: Our History, Our Present, Our Future

April 12, 2021, 5:30pm | virtual event via YouTube
CATEGORIES: Events, First Amendment

Greenlee Student Media Panel, Student Press Freedom Day

Join us for a panel discussion with Greenlee student media representatives in honor of #StudentPressFreedom Day, a national day of action to celebrate and support student journalists. With the theme Journalism Against the Odds, hear first-hand how ISU student editors, reporters and producers work tirelessly to provide exceptional news coverage despite challenges. Please RSVP to receive the Zoom link.


Schwartz Award Ceremony

Join the Greenlee School as we honor the 2017 Schwartz Award Winners, Margy and Gene Chamberlin.

October 27, 2017, 12:00-1:30pm | Hamilton Hall
CATEGORIES: Events, News

Registration for the Spring 2017 Jump-Start Internship and Networking Fair Now Open

Wednesday, Feb. 15 | 12–4 p.m. | Great Hall of the ISU Memorial Union This boutique-style fair is your company’s opportunity to meet with Greenlee students who are looking to gain professional work experience. All Greenlee majors must complete a required [400-hour internship]() before they graduate and seniors will be looking to land their first … Continue reading Registration for the Spring 2017 Jump-Start Internship and Networking Fair Now Open


2016 Chamberlin Lecture

Join the Greenlee faculty and staff for the 2016 Chamberlin Lecture featuring Miles Moffeit. Moffeit is an investigative reporter with The Dallas Morning News, where he has worked for the past six years examining patient harm and fraud in hospitals across Texas and the nation. He previously spent nine years with The Denver Post uncovering … Continue reading 2016 Chamberlin Lecture

September 27, 2016, 8:00-9:30pm | Great Hall, Iowa State Memorial Union

Project Enye (ñ): A Voice for First–Generation Latinos between Two Worlds

First-time Latina filmmaker Denise Soler Cox draws on her personal struggles growing up between two cultures to chronicle the shared experiences of 16 million first-generation American-born Latinos, or Enyes (ñs). Raised in a household with at least one parent from a Spanish speaking country, Enyes (ñs) often grow up wrestling with issues of identity. Their … Continue reading Project Enye (ñ): A Voice for First–Generation Latinos between Two Worlds

October 13, 2016, 7:00-8:30pm | Great Hall, Iowa State Memorial Union