Category: Student Perspective

CATEGORIES: Internships, News, Students

Greenlee Internship Photo Challenge

Take a selfie. Win a prize! Let’s show off your summer internship. In your office, at the studio, in front of the building—anything tasteful and appropriate for use by the Greenlee Social Media team is welcome.

March Madness 2023

My name is Harper Snead. I am a junior at Iowa State, studying public relations and communication studies. In March of 2023, I was fortunate enough to volunteer at the March Madness Midwest Regional Tournament during the Sweet Sixteen and Elite Eight rounds in Kansas City, Missouri.

First Generation

I am a first generation. This means I was the first born on American soil. The first one to be a part of 82% of first generations to finish high school. The first one out of 36% of Latinos to go to college. (Link: The first one to have a better life than my family did.

Greenlee students finalists in national media planning competition

Last fall, then first-year students Clare Vilmont, public relations and political science, and Ellie Flynn-Snider, public relations and data science, began the months-long process of competing in the Washington Media Scholars Media Plan Case Competition. This summer they traveled to Washington, D.C. as finalists.The Washington Media Scholars Foundation holds an annual media planning case competition … Continue reading Greenlee students finalists in national media planning competition

Dining out in Italy

By Emma McDowell, senior in public relations It’s no secret that food is a key part of Italian culture. It’s one of the things I was most looking forward to when preparing for my study abroad trip to Urbino, Italy. However, there were many cultural traditions around dining out that I had to learn.   … Continue reading Dining out in Italy