Category: Uncategorized

CATEGORIES: Uncategorized

Newell reports student success, agency collaborations

Associate Professor Jay Newell sends this good news: Ad majors Emily Belloma and Leslie (Su Jung) Lee were both named Washington Media Fellows by the Washington Media Scholars Foundation. This organization promotes the field of political advertising with competitions and scholarships. Emily and Su Jung both received scholarships, and will be participating in the 2017 … Continue reading Newell reports student success, agency collaborations

CATEGORIES: Uncategorized

Lee reports latest research

Associate Professor Suman Lee reports two research items: Kim, B., & Lee, S. A time-series analysis for testing “integrated public diplomacy” model: Japan’s public diplomacy in the U.S. from 1996 to 2014 and its effects. ICA Public Diplomacy Interest Group. Shin, H., & Lee, S. Epidemic and risk communication: An analysis of strategic and graphic … Continue reading Lee reports latest research

CATEGORIES: Uncategorized

Kim reports research, teaching and service news

Assistant Professor Su Jung Kim reports the following: Research: Her second-authored paper (co-authored with Dr. Anke Wonneberger, University of Amsterdam), "TV news exposure of young people in changing viewing environments: A longitudinal, cross-national comparison using Peoplemeter data", has been published in the International Journal of Communication. One manuscript and one extended abstract have been accepted … Continue reading Kim reports research, teaching and service news

CATEGORIES: Uncategorized

Cozma reports paper acceptances, publications

Undergraduate Director Raluca Cozma reports the following: ICA 2017 paper acceptance: “Social media as information subsidy in the news coverage of the Syrian crisis: A cross-national analysis” co-authored with Claudia Kozman. A chapter on public interest in foreign policy leading up to the Iowa caucuses has been accepted for an edited book titled “The Presidency … Continue reading Cozma reports paper acceptances, publications

CATEGORIES: Uncategorized

Bugeja reports recent publications, guest lectures

Professor Michael Bugeja was a panelist in a university-wide Department Chair Workshop titled “Free Speech, Hate Speech, or Safe Speech? What the First Amendment Really Protects on a University Campus.” His proposal for the iScore conference in March was accepted, concerning how to deal with trigger warnings and microaggressions, based on his recent article in … Continue reading Bugeja reports recent publications, guest lectures

CATEGORIES: Uncategorized

Boyles reports research, teaching, service updates

Assistant Professor Jan Lauren Boyles had a paper accepted this month for ICA’s preconference on "Data and the Future of Critical Social Research." Boyles is serving (along with Mack Shelley and Joshua Rosenbloom) as co-PI on an NSF grant application, which looks at data-driven decision making and information flows/networks within rural communities. If funded, the … Continue reading Boyles reports research, teaching, service updates

CATEGORIES: Uncategorized

Wigton nominated to serve on University Committee of Fraternities and Sororities

Lecturer Michael Wigton advises Happy Strong Healthy, which just published its third issue. “Please join us for a release party Thursday, Dec. 1, at 6 p.m. in the Speer Room at Reiman Gardens,” he writes. “It is free and open to the public.” Also, Merry Rankin (ISU Director of Sustainability) recently recognized and thanked the … Continue reading Wigton nominated to serve on University Committee of Fraternities and Sororities