7 Tips to Help You Prepare for Your Fall/Summer 2016 Registration Date

  1. Schedule an appointment with your adviser, they fill up quicker than you think! To schedule an advising appointment with Jason Wiegand or Jessica Hansen, call the main office at 515-294-4342. Faculty advisers schedule their own appointments, so please contact them to schedule a meeting!
  2. Know your registration date. You can view your specific assigned date and time for registration on AccessPlus.
  3. Use the degree audit feature on AccessPlus to double check what classes you need to take to graduate.
  4. Use the class schedule planner on the Iowa State Schedule of Classes web page to help build your schedule.
  5. Read each course’s prerequisites – just because AccessPlus lets you in a class doesn’t mean you will be able to stay in it.
  6. Second half courses start this week – if you would like to enroll in one, hurry!
  7. You can register for summer and fall classes at the same time, so be sure to register for both if you need to.