First Amendment Days 2021 – Some Assembly Required

All events were virtual


Monday Monologues: The Power of Peaceful Protest

virtual event via YouTube

The First Amendment and the Civil Rights Movement: Our History, Our Present, Our Future – Gene Policinski and Robert Bickel

virtual event via YouTube


Student Panel: First Amendment, Student Activism and Campus Climate

virtual event via Zoom

Signs of Resistance: A Visual History of Protest in America – Bonnie Siegler

No recording available


Signs of the Times Protest Art Workshop

virtual event via Webex

Art of Resistance at Iowa State: A Virtual Exploration

via YouTube

Hate: Why We Should Resist It with Free Speech, Not Censorship – Nadine Strossen

No recoding available


Depth & Dialogue Sessions

Virtual sessions exploring various First Amendment topics will take place throughout the day.

Activism in the Music Industry: An ISCORE Encore Presentation

virtual event via zoom

Think Like A Journalist: Arrested on the Job – Andrea Sahouri, Des Moines Register

virtual event via YouTube Live

A Protest is Worth 1,000 Pictures – Michael Englund

virtual event via Webex

When Objectivity Stops – Will Fowler

virtual event via Webex

Pawsies – Pet Film Competition Awards Presentation

virtual via Webex


First Amendment Workshop

The culmination of our weeklong First Amendment Days celebration is a one-, two-, or three-hour workshop designed to examine more deeply the challenges and opportunities provided by free expression. Led by First Amendment experts from the state, each 50-minutes session uses current events to engage a dialogue with national scholars.

Session 1 – You Can’t Say That! Cancel Culture and the First Amendment


Session 2 – Free Assembly in a Time of Polarization


Session 3 – Making Free Speech an Ally on Campus


Raise Your Voice: First Amendment Days High School Event

Choose one of two opportunities to discuss the power of social movements through youth free speech in America with Maribeth Romslo, the director and producer of “Raise Your Voice,” and First Amendment advocate Mary Beth Tinker.

virtual event via YouTube

Protest Music on 88.5 KURE Ames Alternative

Student-run public radio station 88.5 KURE is airing 3 hours of protest-theme content. Tune in at 88.5 FM, through the MyState app or on KURE’s website at to listen to our DJs share the best of protest music and the history of protests in the United States.


Iowa State University Library First Amendment libguide

Want to study up on the First Amendment? Check out the extensive resources available in this Iowa State University Library First Amendment libguide curated by Charles Yier of the Iowa State University Library in conjunction with First Amendment Days.

First Amendment Quiz

Test your First Amendment knowledge! Take a First Amendment Quiz put together by a student in this semester’s First Amendment seminar class offered by the Greenlee School. Score an 8 out of 10 or better and you will be entered into a drawing for a First Amendment Days t-shirt! Five winners will be picked every day and you can enter more than once!

“Raise Your Voice” film screening

A free screening of “Raise Your Voice,” a film that spotlights student journalists from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School following the mass shooting at their school, is available April 7 through April 21. If you’d like to request a link to stream the film, please contact Julie Roosa,  The link will also be shared with all who register for the Raise Your Voice: First Amendment Days High School sessions at 1 p.m. or 2 p.m. Friday, April 16.