Kim Reports Research, Service, Teaching Updates

CATEGORIES: Uncategorized

Assistant Professor Su Jung Kim reports the following:


  • Her co-authored manuscript, "This must be good because everyone says so! An empirical analysis of the effect of online product reviews on purchase behavior" has been accepted for presentation at the 2016 Global Marketing Conference.


  • Doug Jeske, Greenlee Advisory Council member, visited Su Jung’s Strategic Planning course. His lecture demonstrated how research methods are used in strategic decision-making in the industry. “Students appreciated his interactive and engaging lecture as well as his examples of real-world application of research methods,” Kim stated.

  • She also attended this month’s big data seminar series to discuss the challenges of teaching big data to students. This month’s seminar was moderated by Greenlee’s Jay Newell and Kim shared her experience of teaching audience analytics course for the past two years.


  • She received the LAS Small Grants. The grant will support her trip to the ICA annual conference in June.


  • She attended the Meet the Pros event hosted by the American Advertising Foundation Des Moines Chapter. The event was to provide a networking event for ISU students who are interested in having a career in advertising agency.

  • She has also reviewed manuscripts for Computers in Human Behavior, New Media & Society, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Global Marketing Conference, International Conference on Research in Advertising, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.