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Assistant Professor Dara Wald reports the following:
- Her first-authored manuscript comparing risk perceptions and tolerance for invasive species in Florida and Hawaii was published in Conservation Biology, a top journal in the conservation field with a wide range of readers interested in sustainability challenges (4.16 Impact Factor).
- Wald is a collaborator on a new grant proposal submitted to the National Science Foundation Plant Genome Research Program by Drs. Roger Wise and Nancy Boury (ISU Plant Pathology & Microbiology).
- Reporter Sammy Mack, who covers health care policy for WLRN-Miami Herald News, shared her experiences reporting on Zika with students in Wald’s JLMC 560 Risk Perception and Communication course.
- Wald presented a paper at the Wildlife Society in Raleigh, N.C., as part of a symposium on social conflict over the management of non-native species.
- Wald is reviewing 5 papers for the Environmental Communication Division of the International Communication
Published: December 1, 2016