Author: perkinsk

CATEGORIES: In the News, News, Students

Greenlee Internship Photo Challenge 2024

Take a selfie. Win a prize! Let’s show off your summer internship. In your office, at the studio, in front of the building—anything tasteful and appropriate for use by the Greenlee Social Media team is welcome. First place receives a $50 Amazon gift card, and two lucky second place winners each receive a $25 Amazon gift card. Rules and regulations apply.

CATEGORIES: Alumni, In the News, News

Announcing the 2024 Greenlee School alumni award recipients

These awards, which were established in collaboration with the Greenlee School Advisory Council, provide avenues for mid- and early-career recognition of Greenlee School alumni. They build upon the school’s longstanding James W. Schwartz Award, the highest award conferred by the school that has traditionally served as a lifetime achievement recognition, and mirror university and college awards for similar achievements.

CATEGORIES: Alumni, In the News, News

Remembering Greenlee alumnus Terry Anderson

Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication alumnus Terry Anderson has died at the age of 76. A 1974 graduate of Iowa State University and a former reporter for the Iowa State Daily, Anderson was abducted in Lebanon while working as an Associated Press correspondent in 1985 and held captive for seven years.

CATEGORIES: In the News, News, Students

Greenlee Student Showcase debuts in April

Greenlee students: Sign up now to secure your spot at the 2024 Greenlee Student Showcase, GSJC’s new student exhibition. We’re thrilled to provide you with a unique platform to share your work with your classmates, our campus community and the industry at large. The Greenlee Student Showcase, a part of the Greenlee School Awards and Honors Ceremony on April 25, offers you a unique opportunity.

CATEGORIES: In the News, News, Students

Greenlee Internship Discovery Day

Visit and network with area professionals and learn more about their organizations and discover various summer internship opportunities. This is strictly a networking event. No need to bring copies of your resumé or wear a stuffy tie or heels. We recommend wearing business casual and popping by in between classes.